
Showing posts from September, 2020


  You may be having a difficult day or a difficult week. It can feel like an uphill climb to get out of that emotional and mental rut and be kind to yourself, but there are, fortunately, many tools at our disposal for resetting our attitude. When we show ourselves kindness, we start to create new habit patterns and pathways in the brain. These new “mentalities” take us from seeing everything as negative and grim to joyful, positive, and full of opportunity. We understand kindness from the perspective of how we treat our family and friends. What if we were to take that same approach to how we treat ourselves? How would our health improve if we listened to our body’s signals and responded with care and compassion? These are profound questions to ask. While having a bad day and feeling down is another part of life, we can start to implement tools into our routine that grow our self-compassion muscle even more. 1. Forgive Yourself Often This may be the best and hardest thing to impleme...


  You've to take chances in life, life is bout' risk. If you play it safe in life you ain't gonna have much of life. It take courage to pursue ya dreams and that's gonna cost you something - most people are not willing to pay  what it costs to go after ya dreams cause you gonna have to hurt a little bit. And most people don't like being uncomfortable, if you don't wanna be uncomfortable please do not pursue success. Because success is a very UNCOMFORTABLE feeling and I am learning how to be comfortable being uncomfortable, I realize life is hard! For every time you have a plan, a dream, an aspiration or a goal do you know what happens Everytime when you have one of those?! This thing comes along called LIFE! It happens to everybody, life has disappointments it's got PEAKS and VALLEYS! You gon' lose somebody you cared about one day: that's a valley! Somebody is gonna close the plan you thought was gonna stay open so you could give up: that's a val...


 The things that we desire the most are the other side of what we've been holding back from. And I'm gonna give ye a really simple illustration, so I want ye to picture this - ye on a plane so the pilots have tried everything and they say it's faulty something is going on wrong we all gotta get off and ye like NO! I can't go and they say no you've to go, ye have to shoot on. Ye ready, but guess what? Ya mind says no I can't go it's too scary look down there: there's wind blowing, lots of things going, flying at ye and the guy screaming in ya ear saying you've to go and ye say I can't go!  And they say look let go, you holding on to the door! And ye holding on with ya mind and everything you've, ye still holding on. And ye go No! And the thing is ye know that by letting go you've a chance at LIFE... And you keep a hold onto that?! 🤔  You run the race of actually ending the most precious thing which is ya LIFE. Imagine that's extreme a...