The things that we desire the most are the other side of what we've been holding back from. And I'm gonna give ye a really simple illustration, so I want ye to picture this - ye on a plane so the pilots have tried everything and they say it's faulty something is going on wrong we all gotta get off and ye like NO! I can't go and they say no you've to go, ye have to shoot on. Ye ready, but guess what? Ya mind says no I can't go it's too scary look down there: there's wind blowing, lots of things going, flying at ye and the guy screaming in ya ear saying you've to go and ye say I can't go!
And they say look let go, you holding on to the door! And ye holding on with ya mind and everything you've, ye still holding on. And ye go No! And the thing is ye know that by letting go you've a chance at LIFE... And you keep a hold onto that?! 🤔 You run the race of actually ending the most precious thing which is ya LIFE. Imagine that's extreme and want ye to feel the gravity of that. Now listen, the only thing ye have to do at that time is let go! And when ye let go ye jump into the unknown, you've never been in a shoot before, you've never jumped off a plane before, you've never done anything remotely close to that and you've to do it. You don't want to do it, you've to do it!
Because ye wanna live, ye want to spare LIFE. If ye want to live guess what?! You gotta let go, If ye keep holding on - the minute ye let go, you've just released ya self into LIFE! You can now start to go WOW 😮 what's this! And there's that moment of uncertainty, there's that moment of fear, there's that moment you can imagine you've flown thru the sky you've no idea what's gonna happen next. You see clear skies below and ye see things that ye imagine coming at ye real fast and ye go WOW 😮 I'M ALIVE..!! So ya greatest desires are the other side of fear I think that's what WILL SMITH said: Ya best moments in life are being held back by ye holding on to all beliefs, holding on to past performances. Holding on to past beliefs in terms of people's opinions on things that they've told ye, holding on to the things you did last week that didn't work out. Holding on to an attitude, an energy level - a belief that's been built in ye that ye not good enough. When ye hold on to those things, they stop ye from growing but also they block ye from ya blessings. So I wanna encourage ye to do one thing (today): I want ye to let YA SELF LOOSE. Let go stop saying I don't have that, ye see how am I gonna do that - hey don't worry bout' that because ye don't know how it's gonna pan out if ye just jump outta the plane, ye don't know what's gonna happen but ye have to jump - just do it!
#LoseYaMindAfrica #CoachDanstonMugarura #EatLife #Red5Saladmaster
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