It's going to be hard, but so what?! Be prepared to do it hard, I always summon every bit of energy in me and say it's going to be hard but I am ready to play it hard because here is the thing; your body will fight back or my body will fight back, it will say " wait you can't go it's too hard" yourind will tell you things and it'll start to show things that are limitations, you'll start to hear voice of people telling you " what are you trying to do." Everything that you've always wanted to do that's worthwhile is hard but not everything that is hard is worthwhile, I want you to understand that and make the distinction but everything that is worthwhile is HARD! So make it hard; it's okay! You've never booked ten people in an hour do it, you've never collect garbages to make a living do it. You've never walked 10 miles looking for prospects to sell your products do it... You've never swept someone's compound to...