We're not playing games again, because for our women to respect us again, let's understand something - the contempt that the black woman has for the black man to some extent it is justifiable, why is that? Because when she look at other women she see that their men can do things for them that we (black men) can't do for them, don't get me wrong! That's not all our fault, we didn't ask to be here, none of the institutions that oppress black men are ruled by black men. We don't rule the prison system, we don't rule the school system, we don't rule the economic system so it's not all our fault. But I understand where the sister is coming from and if we want to change the way our women value us then we're going to have to economically empower ourselves so they (black women) can come to us with their needs and we can say " sister I got you"
We got to be able to walk into these department stores and fast food restaurants where we see black women being disrespected daily by Anglo-Saxons to Arabs and say "sister you don't need this, c'mon I got a job for you" and not only take her to the job but not trying to get any chukiee nuckiee from her on the way to the job, do you hear what I'm saying?! So we can fix this...🤔 let me get to this point: do you know why nobody really feel sorry for black Americans? Despite everything that they go through? We're (black Americans) the only African population on the planet that can solve their problems themselves. No other African population can solve their problems themselves with exception of Canada or UK, but most african communities are dependent to some degree on the government for intervention, not us ( Black Americans) we are 2 trillion dollar People : " What's going to happen next Friday?" It's a "Black Friday", guess what negroes are going to do?
In Philadelphia we're going to spend 3 billion dollar, I didn't say million I said " B...b..b..billion." In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the fifth or sixth largest city in America. We're going to spend 3 billion dollars on Christmas, can I ask you a question? " If Philadelphia has a population of 1.5 million and half of that is black so we're bout' 750k and if we're going to spend 3 billion dollars in Philly being a population of 750k, could imagine how New York City black Christmas bill is going to be, can you imagine where the Chicago black Christmas bill, can you imagine Los Angeles, Houston right here... Atlanta! So do you understand me? So how you are going to cry about not having good schools, poor health care, no jobs, no banks, no Supermarkets, no factories when you're wasting billions of dollars on garbage!
So do you see, you can take the slave out of slavery all day long. But until the slave takes the slavery out of themselves he'll never be free! It must be a psychological revolution before any other revolutions, if we don't change they way we (Africans) think about ourselves, our future and our oppressor nothing changes. The mind is the first place to make the change, what did Dr Cordon.G once said in miseducation of the Negroes? He said " if you control a man's thinking you don't have to worry about his actions. If you bring him to the house you don't even have to dhow him to go to the back, he'll go on his own and when he gets to the back and there's no door he'll make the door and walk out of it." That's what Dr Wilson also said, but it took him 20 years to undo the mentocyl that Harvard University put aside. The most honourable Marcus Garvi said " don't take the king's hat out of your head, take the king's hat out of your mind" so I'm saying we have to have a psychological revolution before we have economic revolution, spiritual revolution, political revolution, social revolution, change the African mind - tear it down and build it up and that's what we're going to do with the FDMG.
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