I always have a drink or maybe a few. I am naturally and super weak when it comes to drinkin’, because probably two bottles of beer, one shot of scotch whisky and about two or three glasses of dry red wine gets me intoxicated, so, If you have enough drinks here is what it could do for you;

It fogs your thoughts and takes away your clarity.

It can make you say and do really dumb things that you regret but that stay in your memory storage forever.

It creates exaggerated and negative emotions like jealousy, guilt, shame and blame.

It makes you numb. It makes you forget things.

It helps you sing off key and play your instrument sloppily.

It takes away your muse and your guardian angels don’t know what the hell to do with you.

It can make you silly, sloppy, slurry, slovenly, arrogant, annoying, abrasive, obnoxious, caustic, pathetic, intolerable, condescending, insulting and belligerent.

Have I forgotten any adverbs or adjectives here?! Well,

It helps you lie and exaggerate. It helps you use words as ammunition and a weapon.

It can make you act despicable and abusive to people you love.

It can make you insult and demean friends and loved ones or anyone in your alcohol induced periphery.

It destroys trust, love, friendships and makes relationships dysfunctional.

It can be something that is passed on from generation to generation like an heirloom you never wanted.

It weakens your will.

It helps you flirt with someone you are not the least bit attracted to.

It makes you feel amorous with complete strangers with questionable characters. It can lead you to wake up with them the next day and not know their name, naked, blindfolded and handcuffed to their headboard.

It makes you lose time twice – a day of drinking and another day or two recuperating.

It makes you age and wrinkle quicker.

It is bad for your health, messes with your liver, causes migraines, dis-eases, ailments, and various cancers like liver, throat and breast.

It messes with your hormonal balance and your sexual performance.

It helps cause accidents, comas, injuries – some of which can kill you.

It helps you make bad decisions.

It makes you feel invincible 😄😄😄

It gives you courage to be a complete asshole and act despicably.

It helps you pick a fight. It helps you commit crimes. It helps you commit suicide.

It treats you like an abusive lover who you give one more chance to despite your black eye and bruises because in the light of day they seem harmless enough. Yet you set yourself up for another round of battery because abuse like alcoholism becomes progressive. Furthermore, It makes you wake up in a guilt-ridden heap of self-destruction, in a pool of self-loathing and self recrimination and sometimes even a pool of your own urine and defecation. Some mornings you may be hit with temporary amnesia, yet don’t worry, a drinking buddy, your neighbour, partner, roommate or the police will remind you of your horrible behavior 😄

It helps you lose your job, friends, partners and sometimes your home but more importantly your self-respect and your pride. It makes you stop loving yourself. It makes you feel unworthy of love. It makes you lose sight of who you are. It makes you a different person. It takes you away from being your best. It makes you lose sight of your potential. It takes you away from your goals, desires and intentions. It takes you off your path, your mission in life, your life’s journey, your calling – the reason why you are here on this earth NOW.

However, most importantly, It keeps you from your higher self. It can blacken your life. So do you still want to drink past your gauge?!

If you’re drinking too much too often and want to take a break or stop drinking altogether come talk to me ;) on my WhatsApp number +256787626709 or email on inno7fabulous@gmail.com – See, alcohol is the only addictive drug that people will question you for not using. I close my thesis and symbiosis. Rethink the Drink!


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