Last night we just witnessed a man beat a woman and throw her into a wall. The scariest part bout' this is the fact that this behavior is not RARE. One in three women are abused in the hands of a man!! Here's what it means...1 in 3 women beaten by a man in their life time- this means that EVERY SINGLE DAYY you are walking past hundreds of women that are suffering in a way similar to the woman I saw being beaten and injured yesterday 😢 one of the way we address this issue is this... We must realize that we are dealing with a HUGE SYSTEMATIC ISSUE. This is not a few crazy men that are hurting women. This is an entire GLOBAL DYSFUNCTION in which we have positioned women as our possessions rather than people.
Here's why that matters, Patriarchy is a system that positions every thing that is feminine as less valuable and "in service of" the masculine. Henceforth men viewing women and femmes as tools. And that dehumanization often lead to abuse. And so here's the bottom line- Domestic abuse (and the overall abuse of women/femmes in general) will not end until we realize that this is not an "unfortunate sad occurrence" but rather a BYPRODUCT of the Destructive ways in which we raise a Human from BIRTH! (It's a wisdom I got from Hassan Ssekajoolo)
As a feminist... I wish peace ✌️ to every woman and feminine-leading humans on this scornful me-first world ✊🏿
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