
Showing posts from June, 2020


FIVE WAYS TO LET GO OF A FAILED RELATIONSHIP If you've been blindsided by a breakup, you're probably puzzled about what exactly went wrong. You likely have a plethora of unanswered questions that are keeping you from moving forward. But rather than staying stuck in one place after your relationship has ended, it's important to ease yourself out of your rut and start moving on. I am going to start an online community focusing on helping men and women start afresh after a breakup, offering great tips to help you accept that your relationship is over. After all, the only way to gain a sense of freedom following a split is to accept the situation and move in a new direction. 1. Cut ties with your ex First things first: Implement a no-contact rule. For example, if you were married and have recently filed for divorce, insist on maintaining only essential contact going forward. And when you do see each other, remember the following rules: Be polite, be co...

When You're unappreciated and overlooked- let go and fight for you and do you!

"In life, it's simply very okay for you to go left when many are going right. As long as what you do is right for you and it doesn't tap the few who believe in you on their wrong back", some ancient guru said it centuries ago. As a boy growing, up until now I've never wanted people to doubt my dynamic ability to do something or to create a difference. And this explains it, in the early phase of my life - literally my educational time and background right from home to school, I know I've been an average person and not perfect as some human beings would think they are. Perhaps I performed and always do things to make sure that I get it right! Not being liked or kinda underappreciated, still it doesn't make me stop to push and work hard for what I would term as my bedrock foundation for the next seeds coming forth after me. Without any  doubt that's how it's supposed to be: The life I been through (I was left in suspense, in my own world and it's ...


IN THE CATEGORY OF SOCIAL AND MORAL WITH TAG FAMILY | GIRL CHILD | MARRIAGE    Women empowerment is a must for the betterment of our country’s future, as women are better manager than men. They can properly manage both her house and office in a systematic way as compared to men. Many of us oppose women education and feel sad when a girl child is born, due to our narrow minded thought process. Now it is on us to decide whether we want a son like rapists on whom the world is ashamed of or we want daughters like, Rebecca, Angom Mary (my mother), who are pride of our country. Till date women has played pivotal role of a mother, daughter, sister and wife, so think if she gets a chance to work for the development of Ugandans, she will definitely prove herself like Jennifer Musisi, and many more who are beautiful example for our pride. So, educate your daughter and let her fly in this open sky freely, who knows one day they will also make you feel proud.  We all know that nobody...

China finally apologized to the world

  Chinaopenly apologized to the world and pleads for total forgiveness over Corona PANDUMBIC! The Chinese Communist Party leader as well as president of the people's republic of China, Xi Jiping, has come out openly to apologise for the outbreak of Corona virus which emanated from Wuhan. In it's early stage it really did no good in China, however according to some secretive operations done by the West after realizing the CCP is targeting a biochemical warfare (Something I would say is the most successful biochemical warfare the world has ever seen)  Preliminary investigation was done by CDC officials from the USA alongside WHO organization; whom later told the entire world " the novel Corona virus, covid-19" has evidence that it is contagious from human to human. So now, the CCP administration is apologizing the yet they didn't want to let out really crucial information about the virus which is apparently turned into PANDUMBIC - that's how I call it! In a Nati...


Respek the OG Guess you the sacrificial lamb Funny how you tryna get even They already crowned the king You should wait for the next season Your family is about to be left grieving You're 40 years old But looking like you still breast feeding You a snitch in a disguise Me, I'm happy I'm a G I can see it in your eyes You Tekashi wanna be Lil pump, pussy gang You a clown to say the least Nigeria had to send a lesbian to slay your beast They told me not to diss you 'cause nobody know you in your city Last time you trended You was in abuja flashing titties You a bitch made nigga Emotional, learn a lesson You the '05 usher When he was dropping confessions. I spotted you in Lagos You were seen bragging In an uber cab And I was cruising in a G-wagon And I couldn't help but pity you I'd leave it in the past But it's unfortunate Your own people treating you like trash. This how i murder handicap clones Ain't no shame being a trani, blaqbones, I don't give...


Taking off from National Theatre Taking the bus between Kampala and Nairobi? Try MASH COACHES EAST AFRIC! I got this thru afriend who did recommend me when I was traveling to Nairobi early this year in February - oh lazy Innocent, couple of months later I'm yet to write about my time in one of the greatest Urban and first growing cities in the world (Nairobi). Perhaps is a long tips for you out there in case you would get time to extreme EAST!  The brilliant East Africa (Uganda) and Interstate Pass mean that travel between Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda is easier than ever for nationals and has become easier and cheaper for tourists and expats too, I am scheduling a lot more travel around the East African community states after this Corona PANDUMBIC so passed! I’ve taken the MASH bus between Kampala and Nairobi only twice, and can recommend it. The Interstate Pass allows visa-free travel between the East Africanf Community fornationals and expats with work permits, traveling fr...


Photo (Inno and Baraka) We sit on a chair in my single room - because I am renting. We've countless sips of wine until the time when our lips are locked up - I initiated it.  Our skin melts and darkens with the heat of the afternoon sun , assuming everyone is gazing at us, assuming that everyone wants us, we would like to sit there and get older, or at least older. We hope that our life will improve, but we do not know in what direction we grow. We wait for what we call "loose pants boys" and watch patiently. When you find what you have to stick, they are rare in Uganda, Africa. As our first kiss, as our golden unforgettable moment, we know the date of a pure kiss like a childhood lover. Of course, we have something to get. Is it love, or is it that we are stepping into desire? We accepted the word LOVE for long before we kissed the first time, but as many people hesitated to point out, we can see how we see, touch, smell and taste ? If you are a writer, you may understan...


My side: All had asked for that time coz I need to make a decision not based on anything but real love.  Literary I've always dated guys that are; 1. Older than me coz I thout they were mature enough to drive a r/ship. 2. Guys that are financially stable coz I thout money contributes to a happier r/ship. 3. Guys with stable businesses or High paying jobs coz I thout class matters too. 4. Guys with well furnished houses coz it really mattered to me. Having grown up from a very humble (poor) background, I thought it would be better to get a man who could never make me lack anything esp the basic needs n wants.  Unfortunately such guys have still disappointed me, not financially but emotionally n psychologically.  Even through I said I love you, my heart was still so skeptical of whether our r/ship will work out based on our business status, financial status, age difference among others.  In these two days I've managed to find time to rethink about everything and guess ...


Photo: Mama Malcom It's so hard to believe that in nearly three months that we've been together now! Time really does fly when you are having the time of your life, doesn't it? At times I wish we could go back and relive the whole relationship, don't you? Although we both made our share of mistakes, I wouldn't change one thing; not a single breath spent with you would be different. You are the greatest gift the world has ever presented to me. I have to admit that a year ago I didn't believe in God, or even any higher power for that matter, but now that I have you, you are my angel God has sent down to watch over me. You are my heart and my soul. You are everything to me. I love you with every ounce of my heart and soul, and so much more. Words cannot explain how much you mean to me, and I am truly blessed to have you in my life. This year has turned out to be so amazing even when corona is squeezing the hell out of the entire world. I want to thank you for makin...

YOU REALLY HURT ME (But tell me your side of it I'm listening)

Sad Innocent :( I've found that writing down my thoughts is sometimes better than struggling to express my feelings out loud. Besides, we both know that emotions tend to blur everything. I'm already trying to deal with hurt feelings and bouts of anger. I'd rather not stick my foot in my mouth and find myself unable to take something back that I regretted saying! Let me start by saying that I care about our relationship. Otherwise our argument wouldn't have mattered to me and I wouldn't be taking the time to write this. I can't help but remember all the good times we've shared: late afternoon walks and one time chill at my shragged-smelly place. I've treasured our talks and how we have discovered our many shared interests. In the short time we've known each other we have years of history--too much to set aside lightly, I hope. I've surprised myself by being able to express my love for you easily. In a significant way, you taught me how to say thos...


Follow the light “After I'm dead I'd rather have people ask why I have no monument than why I have one.” Many kings have ordered for statues to be built in honor of their victories, only to have them torn down after their lives have ended. Who benefits from the endless heralding of one’s own successes?  If one is truly great, others will proclaim their greatness for them.  Though you may see wealth and happiness in your life, focus on what you can continue to do rather than what you have done. It is wise to be proud of your achievements, but allow your reputation to speak of your magnificence instead of your words.  Seekers of glory vanish the quickest.  Build a better life for those around you and they will build your monument.  Who doesn't want fame and prestige, lemme see you on the comment section!


The circle of eternity Every human is one part of a larger, eternal design – individual gears in a clock that has no end. Though you may not fully understand your purpose, your part is just as important as the greatest kings and queens of this planet. Some feel as though their temporary lack of wealth or influence makes them powerless to create change. But does a clockmaker favor the larger gears over the smaller? Does the hour hand become jealous of the minutes because it turns slower? Every part has a role in the functioning of a timepiece. Every part supports those around it in ways it may never see. Your absence would undo the Order of our universe, even if you do not realize your importance. The world began before you and will continue after you, but it will be different because of the decisions you made. Every generation inherits the world left by the one before it, just as a king inherits the crown of his father. Your pursuit of wisdom and goodness could lay the foundation for y...


Uganda National Flag Here is a glimpse of  how FEDERAL GOVERNANCE  works and we are using the US as a case study - because it's been one of the most successful sovereign states running on this system for centuries. In Africa, we've countries like Nigeria and Kenya that proves it (federal system) does work well beyond shadow of doubt. Federal system of government is one that divides the powers of government between the national (federal) government and state and local governments. The Constitution of the United States established the federal system, also known as federalism. Under federalism, each level of government has sovereignty in some areas and shares powers in other areas. For example: both the federal and state governments have the power to tax. Only the federal government can declare war. What is a federal system government? Federalism and the federal system define the basic structure of American government. There were many disagreements at the Constitutional Conventio...


The world battles covid-19 If a Vaccine Arrives, Will the World Fight Over It? Covid-19 has not been met, in every case, with the spirit of common interest. I read in  some tabloid last week that former US Deputy National Security Advisor Caroline Atkinson has written for Science, G20 leaders coordinated their response to the financial crash of 2008 and 2009, working jointly to stabilize the world economy, but amid Corona pandemic  they’ve done little, even as things like relief funding and collaborative medical research demand international teamwork. Someone also wrote for The World Politics Review last month, Covid-19 has prompted a series of export restrictions around the world, and the World Trade Organization has counted 80 countries limiting the export of masks and other protective equipment. But jockeying over protective gear “will be a sideshow compared to the scramble over a vaccine” if scientists eventually produce one.  Vaccines will need to be doled out in an ...


#LONGPOST/BLOG ALERT Relations cheating is a very common occurrence. If you haven’t experienced it yet, there’s a good chance you eventually will. In this blog (long post) we’ll explore how often cheating occurs, how to define cheating, signs of cheating, and how to deal with it. Although I personally prefer non-monogamy, I opted to write this article using a monogamous perspective since that seems to be the more popular relationship paradigm. Given the frequency of cheating in monogamous relationships, it would appear that true monogamy isn’t as common as people would have each other believe. Frequency of Cheating I found it difficult to track down good cheating statistics. This seems to be partly because people have a hard time being completely honest, even when surveyed in ways that safeguard their anonymity. There’s still some shame and guilt associated with admitting the truth, even in private. So instead of sharing a bunch of detailed stats that might be wrong, I’ll simply share ...


Pic: Innocent, copyright Let us all face the fact, or better yet, my own opinion, that most women of society fall in love not with a man’s character but simply in the accumulation of his possession. Though this topic has been well spoken of in the past, the concept of material love has garnered attention from the 1990s. The main reason such a shift has taken place within the minds of people, is due to the fact that we have been prone to believe that materialism constitutes the value of our life. A man believes that the quality of his car and huge bank account assures his success with women. We should not fool ourselves into believing that these crude statements, though ignorant in explanation, are not real. I hold no judgements, simply observations. I, of course could be erroneous but I stand corrected to a certain degree. The greatest truth I seek is one in which we do not sugar-coat it with the hypocritical terms of, “open-mindedness” or being “optimistic”. No self-delusional terms c...


Literally I spent the whole day reading about the ancient African (Kemet Egyptians) civilization yesterday - because without doubt if I trace my history, the Nilotes group of Pple originated from the River Nile valley up North of the Black (Africa) content which in the modern time is Egypt, Morroco, Sudan, Tunisia among other Arab-African countries... Then what happened in the night I could believe it, oh God! I was taken back in the early phase of times - like I swear time travel is real, first it was my encounter with some sort of alien figure. It (alien figure didn't hurt me) me. I had my phone with me so I talked him: "hey who France are you", the it responded with a some weird sound and hey what this alien said in its sound was written on my phone's screen - I got shocked and it roared again, then then I checked my phone apparently the message was saying I should worry I am safe l, nothing ain't go hurt me and this creepy figure was my time travel sort of tou...


The entire world is locked down owing to COVID-19 measures out in place to mitigate to fight against the pandemic - which without has affected lives of many people globally as Wella the entire world's economy. Nlong enough, as the US whose Corona stats is above every country in the world and perhaps mighty state where some people's lives (black folks) is always under threate from the police force as well as some white folks who are pushing hard for the white supremacists agenda brings about the dismise of fellow country the late late George Flyod.   It's for tge Josefirst time that all human races from world leaders, entertainment celebrities, filmmakers, sports fraternity, different religions all over the world have come together airing their concerned, sorrows and seeks for legal justice for Flyod and his family. This what Jose Mourinho had say on Fyods death as well as the riotting and lootings that's going in the States : "When you are mad is when you hate Peop...